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How to Get Past Common Buyer Brush-Offs

Written by Ohad Peter | Jul 30, 2023 2:38:47 PM

To be successful, salespeople must be able to neutralize and move past buyer objections, but there is a distinction between objections and brush-offs. Objections come from a genuine concern that may threaten a deal, whereas brush-offs are more of a knee-jerk reaction prospects raise when they want to end a sales call quickly.

The brush-off is a time-saving tactic that prospects use to get you off their backs without much regard to what you're selling or how you're selling it. When it comes to engaging in meaningful conversations with prospects, you need to know how to get past them.

The key is to learn how to disrupt. Providing a traditional, passive response will make your buyer continue on autopilot without giving you a second thought when the call ends. Dare to be different. Utilize these responses when you hear the following five prospecting brush-offs to break the prospect's trance and get them to listen.

5 Typical Brush-Offs and How to Respond to Them

1. “I don’t have time for this right now”

Prospects are busy, and your call is undoubtedly interrupting them. Is there anyone who enjoys being interrupted? Nobody. As soon as the buyer realizes this is a sales call, don't be surprised if you hear "Now's not a good time."

The salesperson apologizes and asks, “When would be a better time? ”  Any day other than today is automatically selected as next month, quarter, or year. However, successful sales calls end with a concrete meeting, not a vague "Let's talk later."

What can salespeople do to turn this brush-off into a date and time-bound meeting? It’s incredibly easy.

You don't need to say anything.

Yes, that's correct. Simply fall silent when you hear this brush-off. The prospect will feel uncomfortable after a few seconds of silence and ask, “Are you still there? ” Afterwards, the salesperson can say, "Yes, I am here. I thought you were looking at your calendar for a better time to talk.”

What a disarming response! It often catches them off guard - and they end up offering a day and time that works better. The meeting has been booked, and attention has been gained.

2. “I’m not the right person.”

Since prospecting isn't a perfect science, it's likely that the first person you call won't be the decision-maker. It's easy - just ask the person you're speaking with who the right contact is.

Easier said than done. It is not unusual for prospects to say "I'm not the right person" or "That's a different department" and then mentally check out. Why would they point you in the right direction when they owe you nothing?

In response to a sales rep asking, “Who should I speak with?” most prospects will say, “Send me some information and I'll forward it.” Dead end.

Here’s a better exchange:

Prospect: "I'm not the right candidate."

Salesperson: “Well, I was wondering where I could get more information about your company? ”

Prospect: “Well … there’s a section on our website with information for vendors.”

Salesperson: “So I can get there right from your homepage?”

Prospect: “That’s right.”

Salesperson: “Let me see if I can find it while I have you here. Is ‘Vendor 101’ the right page?”

Prospect: “Yes, that’s the correct one.”

Salesperson: “And after I do the research, who should I ask for?”

You still ask for referrals - you just don't do it right away. Rather than swooping in with an offer, engage the prospect with another topic first. Getting to know your contact is much more likely to lead you to the right place if you warm them up first.

3. “I’ve already looked at your company, and we weren’t interested.”

Most salespeople interpret this statement as a sign that the prospect isn't a good fit. It's time to move on to the next opportunity since they have already disqualified themselves.

Not so fast. Instead of asking if anything has changed or thanking them for their time and ending the call, try this:

Prospect: "We looked at you guys last month, but didn't think it was a good fit."

Salesperson: "I think you made the right decision when you crossed us off last month."


Salesperson: I haven't spoken to you before, but I'll know in five minutes if anything has changed that warrants a phone call from us. Have you got five minutes to spare? ”

Prospect: “Sure.”

Never argue with a prospect's decision-making ability. Instead of telling them they made a mistake, ask them a few quick qualifying questions. By doing this, if you discover that the company could benefit from your product or service, you can re-engage the decision-maker without making them feel stupid.

4. “Can you just send me some information?”

Since salespeople live to serve their prospects and clients, they are quick to respond when they hear this question. Sending content alone doesn't get a meeting booked, which is usually the goal of a prospecting call.

In light of this, don't reply, “Of course, what would you like me to send you?”

As an alternative, say:

“Sure thing. We'll talk tomorrow about what I've sent you. If I call you tomorrow, will you take my call?”

If the prospect says they will, you’ve secured a commitment from them — a small close that paves the way for the ultimate close.

5. “We already use something for that.”

Reps generally respond to the news that a prospect is already using a competing product in one of two ways:

  • “Oh, okay. So how is that going for you?”

  • "Don't you get frustrated when Vendor Y can't do X? Many people have left them for us ... ”

This is a problematic response in both cases. In the first case, the prospect normally talks positively about their current vendor - "It's going great, thanks." In the second case, the prospect is challenged and put on the defensive.

Business leaders rarely go back and re-investigate old problems after implementing an existing solution, regardless of whether it's perfect. There are no shortage of problems to solve in organizations, so chances are your decision maker has moved on to the next one after signing with your competitor.

Instead of asking the prospect about their relationship with your competitor or creating doubt around their decision, simply say:

“Okay. In that case, you probably don't need us if you already have a solution in-house that works."

While buyers are ready to answer a salesperson's rebuttals, a simple statement of acceptance is far more disarming - and throws them for a loop about how to respond. It's at this point that they'll either end the call and hang up, confirming that they're satisfied with their vendor and letting you pursue another opportunity or fall silent.

Here's your chance. When four seconds of silence have passed, follow up by saying:

“Let me ask you — are you currently under contract with Vendor X?”

As well as relieving the tension of the silence, it lets the prospect know that you won't criticize their decision - you just want more information about it.

The buyer will then reveal that they have a long-term contract (disqualify and move on), say that they are not under contract or that it expires soon (recognize the opening, and jump on it), or admit they aren't sure (ask someone who knows).

There are no magic words to get someone to talk to you. In the right hands, however, these responses can help you get around a good number of brush-offs you encounter, which is the first step to engaging, and ultimately, selling.