HubSpot by IV-Lead

HubSpot updates for partners - Sequences edition

Written by Ohad Peter | Sep 19, 2023 12:56:18 PM

The latest update release from HubSpot introduced dozens of new exciting features. We’ve already laid out some of them in recent posts, and now it’s time to bring you 4 exciting upgrades in your Sales Hub Sequence Dashboard:

1. Sequences Deal Reporting

Two new metrics to help Sales Hub Enterprise customers analyze their sequence performance:

  • - Deal Rate - the percentage of contacts enrolled in a sequence that resulted in a deal being created.
  • - Total Revenue - the amount of revenue from closed won deals influenced by the sequence shown in company currency.

Use Case

Teams will be able to tie pipeline generation and revenue to sequences using Sequences Deal Reporting. Managers can use this information to coach reps and optimize tactics based on what content leads to more conversions.

2. A/B Testing Sequence Steps

By using A/B testing, you can determine which version of your content performs best with your audience. To quickly iterate and optimize outreach efforts, you can now test different templates within sequences and report on performance.

Use Case

A/B testing allows teams to improve their outreach efforts and boost conversion rates by experimenting and iterating quickly.

3. Sequences on Mobile

Enrolling, un-enrolling, pausing, and resuming contacts from a sequence will be supported on iOS and Android.

Use Case

Sales reps use sequences to qualify leads and get them into their calendars as quickly and efficiently as possible. This mobile capability takes Sequences to the next level, enabling prospecting sales reps to be untethered from their desks.

4. Improvements to filtering Lists by Sequence properties

Two new properties to the Sequence enrollment filters in Lists:

- Sequence - this filter allows you to filter by a particular sequence enrollment.
- Status - this filter allows you to filter by the contact's current status in the sequence. Status options include error, finished, in progress, paused, and scheduled.

Use Case

Filter by the specific sequence or a contact’s status within the sequence.