HubSpot by IV-Lead

Fsight is making waves in the renewable energy market

Written by Avital Mush | Mar 22, 2020 10:00:00 PM

We‘re moving away from centralized power plants, and entering the era of the distributed grid enabling a peer to peer market. Fsight’s obejctive is to implement viable solutions that will free modern societies from their fossil fuel and nuclear dependencies thanks to their grid management solutions. Fsight is at the forefront of this effort, with distributed grid management based on AI.


As an innovative company, Fsight enrolled IV-Lead’s services to assist them with with the expansion of their presence in the renewable energy market, IV-Lead originated a comprehensive marketing plan and strategy that would boost Fsight’s stake within the market.


IV-Lead aided Fsight’s appearance at various renewable energy events, like the European Utility week held in Paris November 2019. For which we created marketing content to be distributed and showcased at Fsight’s boot, which we booked at EUW. IV-Lead representatives also accompanied Fsight to the event and aided Fsight on location.


IV-Lead took on the challenge of creating and updating their blogs, leverage aggregated analytics and SEO optimization for google, and implemented Hubspot CRM. IV-lead also enrolled Fsight in various successful ad campaigns on the most respectable social media networks. The renewable energy market is a flourishing and competitive one to get a stronghold in. This is where IV-Lead stepped up to the challenge and is working to make Fsight a household name in the renewable energy market.