Lead Generation Course: Essential Best Practices for Lead Nurturing


What you'll learn

  • Best practices for Marketing Automation (Marketing Professional Plans or higher)
  • Downloadable guides, video tutorials, and live examples
  • How to build MQL Pipeline and set efficient automation processes
  • What is required for Lead Nurturing: Active lists, Pipeline, Workflows, Email Marketing, Ad sequences & Reports
 25 min


Most businesses consider marketing automation a middle-of-the-funnel tool, ideal for nurturing leads through automated email sequences. And while email marketing is a great use for marketing automation, this approach can lead to a disjointed experience for prospects and customers as they move from marketing to sales, to customer service.

Prospects are forced through an imaginary sales funnel with arbitrary touchpoints and irrelevant content. Instead of reacting to individual customer needs, businesses serve up the same playbook on repeat.

However, automated marketing strategies should be deployed across the customer lifecycle. When marketing automation is thoughtfully integrated, it creates a fertile ground for healthy, long-term relationships with your customers. When done well, marketing automation delivers three main benefits to your business:


  • Personalized workflows
  • Streamlined processes
  • Integrated data and analytics


A great marketing automation strategy gets your teams in sync by prioritizing tasks and making hand-offs a breeze. Contact records can be owned by the marketing team until the lead is warm and ready to be contacted by sales, at which point automation assigns and notifies the sales rep. When the customer purchases, customer success is notified, and can see all the past conversations and actions taken by the customer on their way to the sale. Not only is the process seamless and efficient, but it also builds a long-term relationship between the customer and the business.


Course Lessons - 

  • People who interacted with our ads
  • Company page audience
  • People who opened or submitted our forms
  • People who visited our website
  • People who viewed or completed our videos
  • People who followed or clicked on our company page
  • Create Target Contacts Audience from HubSpot on LinkedIn
  • Create Target Accounts Audience from HubSpot on LinkedIn


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