Create and Use Custom Object Pipelines
Once you've defined a custom object in your HubSpot account, you can create pipelines to track custom object records through your processes. You can organize pipelines with custom stages and view your processes in a table or board view.
Users must have Custom objects access and Edit property permissions to create and edit custom object pipelines.
Create custom object pipelines
In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the main navigation bar.
In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Custom Objects.
If you have more than one custom object, in the top left, click the dropdown menu and select the name of the custom object you want to edit.
- Click the Pipelines tab.
- If this is the first pipeline for your custom object, click Create pipeline.
- If you're creating an additional pipeline for your custom object, in the Select a pipeline
section, click the dropdown menu, then select Create pipeline.
- In the dialog box, enter a Pipeline name, then click Create.
Edit or delete custom object pipelines
Once you've created custom object pipelines, you can rename, reorder, or delete them.
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the main navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Custom objects.
- Click the Pipelines tab.
- In the Select a pipeline section, click the dropdown menu and select a pipeline.
- On the right, click the Actions dropdown menu and select one of the following:
- Rename this pipeline: change the pipeline’s name. In the dialog box, enter the new name, then click Rename.
- Reorder pipelines: change the order of your pipelines. In the pop-up box, drag the pipelines to move them to a new position, then click Save.
- Manage access: manage which users can view and edit the pipeline.
- Delete this pipeline: delete the pipeline.
- Rename this pipeline: change the pipeline’s name. In the dialog box, enter the new name, then click Rename.
Edit custom object stages
You can create custom stages for your pipelines to organize your records and track their progress.
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the main navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Custom objects.
- Click the Pipelines tab.
- In the Select a pipeline section, click the dropdown menu and select a pipeline to edit.
- On the Configure tab:
- To add a new stage, click + Add stage. Enter a stage name, then click the dropdown menu in the Open or closed column and select if the stage should set a custom object record as Open or Closed.
- To reorder a stage, click and drag it to a new position.
- To delete a stage, hover over a stage and click Delete.
- In the bottom left, click Save.
View and use custom object pipelines
Once you've created your custom object pipelines and their stages, you can view and edit custom object records in a table or board view on the custom objects index page.
- In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts, then click the dropdown menu in the top left and select the name of the custom object.
- By default, your custom object records will be displayed in a table. Learn how to filter custom object records.
- To switch to the board view, click the grid board icon in the upper left. You can only access the board view for pipelines with defined stages.
- To view custom object records in a specific pipeline, at the top of the page, click the dropdown menu and select the pipeline you want to view. Select All pipelines to view all custom object records in the table view.
- To change views on the custom object records you see:
- In the table view, click the tab that you want to view, or click Add view to create a new view.
- In the board view, click the second dropdown menu at the top of the page and select the view you want, or click Create new view to add a view.
Use and customize the board view
When viewing your custom object records in the board view, you can see the records within each pipeline stage.
- To switch from the list view to the board view, click the grid board icon in the upper left. You can only access the board view for pipelines with defined stages.
- Click and drag a board card to move a custom object record from one stage to another.
- Click a board card to view and work with the record quickly in the right panel, and click the record's name to work with the custom object record fully.
- To customize the board view, on the right, click Board actions. In the dropdown menu, select one of the following:
- Sort: sort the records in each stage. In the dialog box, click the Priority dropdown menu and select the property to sort by, then click the Sort by dropdown menu to determine the order. Click Save.
- Export view: export the records shown in your current view.
- Edit stages: update the pipeline stages. This will bring you to the custom object settings.
- Edit cards: change the style of the cards. In the right panel, choose your card style by selecting the Default or Compact radio button. Click Save. You can also edit which properties appear on the record board cards.
Customize the properties shown on custom object board cards
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the main navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects > Custom objects.
- Click the Record customization tab.
- Click Choose [custom object] properties shown in board view.
In the right panel, you can preview how the card will appear in the board view. The Title property you defined for the custom object will appear by default.
To choose which properties appear on the board card, click the Properties dropdown menus and select the custom object properties. Scroll to the top of the dropdown menu and select Select a property if you don't want any property to show.
- Click Save.
When you navigate to your custom object index page and switch to the board view, the properties you selected in your settings will appear on the custom object board card.