HubSpot's payments and subscriptions properties
When a buyer makes a payment, HubSpot stores details about the payment in specific properties. HubSpot will also store details about a subscription if a subscription record is created for a recurring payment.
Please note: payments and subscriptions are HubSpot-defined objects that are built on the same object framework as the standard CRM objects. However, these properties cannot be managed or edited in your property settings.
Payment properties
You can use payment properties in workflows or to segment payment records on the index page.
- Bank or issuer: the name of the bank or card issuer that the buyer used to make a payment.
- Billing address: the street address, city, state, zip code, and country for the payment method that the buyer used to make a payment.
- Billing address city: the city for the payment method that the buyer used to make a payment.
- Billing address country: the country for the payment method that the buyer used to make a payment.
- Billing address line 1: the street address for the payment method that the buyer used to make a payment.
- Billing address line 2: the apartment, unit number, or building for the payment method that the buyer used to make a payment. This is an optional field.
- Billing address zip: the zip code for the payment method that the buyer used to make a payment.
- Created by user ID: the user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
- Currency code: the currency code for the payment. This will be in USD.
- Customer: the email address of the buyer who made the payment.
- Gross amount: the total amount the customer was charged.
- Last four digits: the last four digits of the bank account or card used as the payment method.
- Net amount: the total amount you collected after fees and any refunds. It's possible for this amount to be negative if you refund the payment, since fees aren't returned.
- Object ID: the unique ID for this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
- Object create date/time: the date and time at which this record was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
- Object last modified date/time: most recent timestamp of any property update for this record. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
- Payment ID: the unique ID for this payment. This value is set automatically by HubSpot and can't be changed.
- Payment date: the date the customer submitted the payment or was charged by HubSpot for a recurring payment.
- Payment method: the way the customer made the payment, either with card or ACH (bank transfer).
- Payment source name: the internal name of the payment link that created the payment.
- Processing fees: the total amount HubSpot charged to process this payment. To see the current rates, go to the Account Info tab in payments settings.
- Refunded: the total amount refunded to the customer.
- Shipping address: the street address, city, state, zip code, and country where the buyer will receive the goods that they purchased.
- Shipping address city: the city where the buyer will receive the goods that they purchased.
- Shipping address country: the country where the buyer will receive the goods that they purchased.
- Shipping address line 1: the street address where the buyer will receive the goods that they purchased.
- Shipping address line 2: the apartment, unit number, or building where the buyer will receive the goods that they purchased. This is an optional field.
- Shipping address state: the state where the buyer will receive the goods that they purchased.
- Shipping address zip: the zip code where the buyer will receive the goods that they purchased.
- Source: the object, tool, or integration that created the payment.
- Source ID: the unique ID for the object, tool, or integration that created the payment.
- Source URL: the URL for the object, tool, or integration that created the payment.
- Status: the current status of the payment. The payment status can be Succeeded, Failed, Partially Refunded, Refunded, or Processing.
- Status updated on: the last time the status of the payment was updated.
- Total discounts amount: the sum of all discounts on a payment collected from the buyer, include line-item and order discounts.
- Total order discount amount: the order discount amount on a payment collected from a buyer (not including line item discounts).
- Total line item discount amount: the sum of all the line-item discounts on a payment collected from the buyer, including one-time and recurring line items.
- Total fees: the sum total amount of all fee line items paid. This property is only available in reporting and will not appear on payment records.
- Total taxes: the sum total amount of all tax line items paid. This property is only available in reporting and will not appear on payment records.
- Updated by user ID: the user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Subscription properties
You can use subscription properties in other HubSpot tools, including lists, workflows, and custom reports.
- Annual recurring revenue: the annual recurring revenue from the subscription.
- Churn date: indicates when the subscription status has changed to Inactive or Unpaid.
- Create date: the date and time at which this subscription record was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
- Currency code: the currency code of the subscription. This will be in USD.
- End date: the date the subscription will end.
- Last modified date: most recent timestamp of any property update for this record. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
- Last payment amount: the amount that was charged for the subscription during the most recent billing period.
- Monthly recurring revenue: the monthly recurring revenue from the subscription.
- Name: the name of the subscription.
- Next payment due date: the start of the next billing period.
- Number of completed payments: the number of payments that have been successfully processed for the subscription.
- Number of expected payments: the number of total payments expected for the subscription.
- Payment method: the payment method on file for this subscription.
- Payment source: the object or tool that created the subscription.
- Payment source ID: the unique ID for the object or tool that created the the subscription. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
- Recurring billing frequency: how often the customer is billed for the subscription.
- Start date: the date the subscription is scheduled to start, which is the day of the first payment.
- Status: the status of the subscription. The subscription status can be Active, Past due, Unpaid, Canceled, Scheduled, or Expired.
- Subscription owner: the owner of the subscription.
- Total collected amount: the total amount collected from the subscription.