Log-out Options in HubSpot
Log out of your HubSpot account
To log out of your HubSpot account:
- In your HubSpot account, click your account name in the top right.
- At the bottom of the dialog box, click Sign out.
Log out of all active HubSpot sessions
To log out of all active HubSpot sessions on all browsers and devices:
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, click General.
- At the top, click the Security tab.
- At the bottom, click Log Out of All Sessions.
- In the dialog box, click Yes, log me out. Learn how to log in to HubSpot and troubleshoot login issues.
Please note: if you're inactive in your HubSpot account after 24 hours (which is the default session inactivity timeout setting), you will automatically be logged out even if you selected Remember me when logging in. A warning message will display that says: Your session is not valid or has expired, please log in again. If your session remains active, and you selected Remember me, then you will only need to re-login after 28 days.
Customize inactive session timeout
To customize how long a HubSpot account (including Outlook extensions) must be inactive before the user is logged out:
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Security > Settings & Activity.
- Under Session Timeout, click the Inactive Session Timeout Value dropdown menu to select the amount of time an account must be inactive before the user is logged out.
You can also customize your inactive session timeout when configuring your login settings, learn how to use the login settings wizard.