HubSpot-provided phone numbers is finally here
A HubSpot-provided phone number allows you to make outbound calls and receive incoming calls forwarded to your personal device. If you're a user with super admin permissions, you can acquire a HubSpot-provided phone number and then assign it to a team member. You can also acquire the number and reassign it later. After acquiring a HubSpot-provided phone number, make sure to configure a forwarding number to send the incoming calls to.
HubSpot-provided phone numbers
Leverage first-party phone numbers to receive inbound calls or make outbound calls.
Place outbound calls from your HubSpot account, and forward inbound calls to a personal device. Calls can be recorded and auto-logged in your HubSpot database. To receive calls, you must use a HubSpot-provided phone number.
Get a HubSpot number
- A HubSpot number allows you to make and receive calls in HubSpot with automatic logging.
- You can get HubSpot numbers based in US, UK, and Canada.
- Your account has a collective 500 calling minutes per month, shared between calling users.
Minutes will reset on the first of each month.
Receiving inbound calls
Inbound calls will automatically route to a forwarding number. Users can receive and pick up calls from that number’s device.
Automatic logging of inbound calls
Call activities will appear on the call index page with the recording and transcript (if you have them turned on). Visit this page to add more details, create associations, listen to the recording, and more. You can now also add your tracked terms as a column.
Viewing missed calls and voicemail
Following a missed call, callers can leave a voicemail message with the forwarding number’s device. Visit that voicemail inbox to play back the message.
Making outbound calls
HubSpot numbers can also be used to make outbound calls with automatic logging.